IIAwards2024, Author at International Innovators

Author name: IIAwards2024

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Global Changemakers

Awards celebrated leaders advancing racial justice, eco-sustainability, and technology ( Davis Vanguard: International Innovators ). Candidate for governor and former California State Controller Betty Yee was honored, addressing “we’re here today for justice today, whether it’s climate justice or food justice. We stand for what’s right.” Dr. Bart Fisher, two-time Nobel Prize nominee, emphasized “igniting ideas and driving real change.” Former United Nations Gordon Tapper highlighted immigrant rights. Reverend Thomas (NAACP) and Obie Anthony (Exonerated Nation) echoed the above as they all underscored racist wrongful convictions like Anand Jon.

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Expert Panel Forum

Expert Panel Forum + Documentary Series on Human Rights, Wrongful Conviction, Prison Reform, Social Justice, Racial Bias, Police and Prosecutorial Accountability  LOS ANGELES, CA, October 31, 2018  By Press Release 24-7 Expert Panel Forum + Documentary Series on Human Rights, Wrongful Conviction, Prison Reform, Social Justice, Racial Bias, Police and Prosecutorial Accountability in the Era of Many Wrongful Convictions and False Allegations Being Exposed. The International Innovators of Justice Forum, featuring a panel of influential national leaders of the community, media, human rights & wrongful conviction activists as well as others will be at our preliminary informal events starting with our Nov. 4th event in Malibu, LA. The 2019 Tour schedule includes New York- Miami-London-Dubai-New Delhi- Mumbai- Varanasi (India)-Toronto-Dallas-Los Angeles- San Francisco-San Diego. All Events will be filmed. The International Innovators forum & documentary series WHEN & WHERE: On Nov 4th 2018, Malibu Featuring advocates and experts: Exoneree Jeffrey Deskovic, Bill Bastuk, Patty Lopez Former Assemblywoman, Michelle Malkin (CRTC host), Amy Povah, Rajish Jose esq., and others. The International Innovators forum & documentary series will feature the individuals and entities that have maximized their impact in various industries including justice, business, medicine, literature, arts & culture, technology, sports, entertainment, and public service. Nominees & recipients of the 2019 Awards will be announced soon. This is a unique opportunity for community members, students, and future leader to get involved in important work regarding civil rights, human rights, protection of due process, racial bias, law enforcement misconduct, and wrongful conviction, rather than merely complaining about the problems, as we work towards real-world solutions. Visionary Governor’s like California’s Governor Jerry Brown have not only pioneered & passed several bills that hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct but revamped the California Department of Corrections and has aggressively moved to reform the system, reduce incarceration population and rehabilitate prisoners for reentry into society as productive citizens, while New York’s Governor Cuomo recently signed a bill creating the countries first Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct. We will be actively working with the Department of Correction Institution, wardens, therapists, victim support groups and prisoners ( convicted as well as exonerated) during similar events and developing Inside Out Solutions including a crime prevention and program and apps:  designed with contribution by the most innovative tech leaders alongside forensic experts, attorneys law enforcement & authorities, as well as prisoners who are en route to rehabilitation and or have evidence of factual innocence. This epidemic has taken a huge toll on everyone, from the falsely accused and their families to taxpayers while distracting from and making a mockery of those who may be real victims of abuse.

The 2024 International Innovators Awards and Forum
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Dr Shirley Weber Discusses Reform-a-nation Campaign

Assemblymember Dr Shirley Weber Discusses Reform-a-nation Campaign/Docuseries on Injustice & Wrongful Convictions as “Racial Justice Bill” is Introduced By Assemblymember Ash Kalra SACRAMENTO, CA, March 17, 2020 /24-7PressRelease San Diego office of pioneering California Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber, a diverse panel of activists (including college students, prominent community leaders, attorneys, filmmakers, actresses, and exonerees) discussed prison reform, prosecutorial misconduct, and wrongful convictions, such the Anand Jon Alexander case.  Panelist Amy Povah-Ralston, who was granted clemency after serving 9 years in federal prison during the Clinton era and was instrumental in launching reality star Kim Kardashian into clemency work, explained “The sentence [Anand] received is so disproportionate to a normal case with the same allegations. He was convicted on very, very thin evidence. 59 years to life is madness for a first offense with someone…This really seems like this was racially charged with a lot of motive behind it.” American Justice Alliance attorney Timothy Milner who is handling Mr. Alexander’s commutation, has tried almost a hundred jury trials in 40 years of practice and usually tends to shy away from scandalous sex cases, but explained to ASM Weber that this was an exceptional case. “This man is innocent. He also had one of the worst trials that I’ve seen…Juror misconduct gets declared as Juror No.12 actually gets convicted of juror misconduct before the Anand Jon trial is over – that should be an automatic mistrial,” but instead, a 59 year to life sentence was imposed. The prosecutors racial inflammation went beyond the wrongful conviction as Anand Jon was also the victim of a racial hate crime by a white supremacist gang in prison when he was stabbed multiple times in the face from behind, suffering grave bodily injury. He has initiated a strong lawsuit against the prison/CDCR. Another panelist who urged commutation for Anand Jon was panelist Victoria Olango, a Ugandan refugee, whose brother Alfred Olongo was shot and killed by the police four years ago. Dr. Weber recommended teaming up with the new wave of progressive prosecutors and fellow political members, such as Senator Nancy Skinner, and Assembly Member Ash Karla who recently introduced AB 2200, the Racial Justice Act on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Seth Gordon, Anand Jon CJ Gilbert Rajendra Vora, a prominent Beverly Hills community leader added: “There is so much prosecutorial misconduct and racial prejudice that led to his wrongful conviction.” Hailing from a prominent diplomatic family in Columbia, Mariana Fernandez de Cordoba, a successful actress and activist, became involved because “I think Anand’s case is about race, it’s about a trial that was completely biased on moral grounds, on social grounds, racial and a lot of xenophobia” The recent sweeping changes by Governor Newsom are highly relevant because he emphasized “It’s a racist system. You cannot deny that. It’s a system that is perpetuating inequality. It’s a system that I cannot in good conscience support.” Similarly, Ash Karla, a former public defender and a brown man of south asian origin himself stated “you cannot deny that, it is a system that is perpetuating inequality. I have seen racial discrimination first hand in the court system. I have seen too many brown and black faces, young men, that question not just the system but ultimately themselves, what their role in society is, and whether they’ve been left behind.” The American Justice Alliance human rights organization has an influential team on this case, including numerous law firms and volunteers nationwide, such as exoneree Obie Anthony (Exonerated Nation), former Republican Assemblymember Bill Duplissea, former Democratic Senate Leader John Burton, and Washington D.C. based powerhouse attorney, Bart Fisher, have taken up this case pro bono. The author of AB 1909, then Assemblymember Patty Lopez wrote a letter on behalf of Anand Jon’s commutation, as she found the police misconduct and withholding of favorable evidence “utterly shocking.” Footnotes 1 Dr. Weber, who is African American, is one of the leading women in California politics who is no stranger to racism. She has been instrumental to several bills that have led to curb prosecutors and police abuse of power, use of deadly force, AB 1513: Racial Profiling Clean-Up, AB 2988: Evidence Retention as well as The Restorative Justice Act AB 2590.2 An award winning rising star in the fashion industry (www.anandjon.org) known launching the “it girls” (like Ivanka Trump, Paris & Nicky Hilton, Amanda and Lydia Hearst, Michelle Rodriguez) Anand Jon had just gotten wall street funding when he was accused of sexual misconduct & assault by a group of women. “If you were a wannabe, he was the perfect tailcoat to ride on” said the New York Times (Sharon Waxman Thewrap.com founder) https://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/15/fashion/15anand.html. Following a racially tainted controversial trial in Los Angeles full of highly dubious circumstances, of one count of rape and several counts of lesser sexual offenses. Although there were “no assault related injuries” on anyone and he had no history of violence, Anand Jon was sentenced to a draconian 59 years to life in prison. As part of the panelists exonerees Marvin Mutch, Obie Anthony of www.exoneratednation.org and Jeffrey Deskovic, researched the case and supported commutation. Deskovic, told the Davis Vanguard, “Anand Jon’s case is fraught with prosecutorial misconduct and bad lawyering. It is no wonder he was wrongfully convicted.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/keynote-speaker-jefferey-deskovic-discuss-153000271.html3 https://pagesix.com/2020/01/18/incarcerated-designer-anand-jon-alexander-stabbed-in-the-face-by-fellow-inmate/?fbclid=IwAR18ecmHj7FI9dVGXR5U2SNblwevj3lFAX-e-R2r_TZ8PNEY3XYEpJDBw6whttps://www.10news.com/news/local-news/convicted-fashion-designer-sues-donovan-state-prison-after-attack-behind-bars4 https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article241072236.htmlhttps://www.davisvanguard.org/2020/03/racial-justice-act-introduced-in-legislature-to-end-racial-disparities-in-the-criminal-justice-system/https://www.davisvanguard.org/2020/03/anand-jons-path-to-freedom-a-san-diego-meeting-with-assemblymember-weber/5 http://www.indiajournal.com/met/activists-call-to-release-designer-anand-jonhttps://politictalks.com/24-7-politic-press-release/california-welcomes-reform-a-nation-campaign-to-reverse-wrongful-convictions-and-ucla-law-schools-call-to-end-mass-incarceration/https://www.indiawest.com/news/global_indian/international-innovators-panel-takes-on-case-of-anand-jon-others/article_2e119f96-e2c2-11e8-be52-2f958b25e732.html

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A San Diego Meeting with Assemblymember Weber

March 9, 2020 By David Greenwald On February 19, 2020, I received an invitation from the American Justice Alliance organization to be part a panel to meet with the Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber of San Diego on March 6, 2020. So last Friday, I flew down to San Diego with my purpose to document this effort and report on it and to allow the public more awareness of the plight of Anand Jon Alexander in particular, and those who are wrongly convicted in general. The record seems to show that he received a patently unfair trial and, based on what the previously withheld exculpatory evidence shows, he may well be factually innocent. As Jeffrey Deskovic, himself an exoneree and head of the Jeffrey Deskovic Foundation, told the Vanguard, “Anand Jon’s case is fraught with prosecutorial misconduct and bad lawyering.  It is no wonder he was wrongfully convicted.” The Dda: “they All Said And Experienced The Same Assault On A Cruddy Air Mattress That You Saw Presented Here With Dirty Sheets, Dirty Towels, Smelly T-shirts.” Later: “You know that Ferrari T-shirt that the clerk has. I don’t know if you want to do that, take a whiff of it. It’s not pleasant. It corroborates exactly what they said. He smelled. His apartment was disgusting.” Later she added, “They all told you he smelled,” and she specifically demonized Anand Jon’s religion Indian-Jewish culture, meditating cross legged, Kamasutra and foreign (Hebrew) symbols. This is a clear appeal to racism and indirect violation of the court ruling not to go into race or religious areas. Another major problem is the Myspace communications withheld for over a decade. The premise of the prosecution is that these women had no motives, do not know each other, and came together with similar complaints, therefore they must have experienced the same behavior by Anand Jon. The DDA argues that the “sheer number of unrelated witnesses making similar allegations of sexual abuse” demonstrates his guilt. In her opening statement: “None of these girls know each other . . . have no contact with each other . . .” But in fact, as is documented in the hundreds of online exchanges that were  withheld by the Beverly Hills police for over a decade, and now included in numerous new filings, there is a concerted effort and financial-publicity motives by several of the victims to communicate and get the stories straight.  The prosecution not only lied to the jury about the state of the evidence, but withheld it from the defense. This is a clear Brady violation by the prosecution. This is prosecutorial misconduct. Tim Milner said, “We can see blatant racism here.  It hurt to even hear it.” Shirley Weber Assemblymember at California State Assembly Amy Povah herself served nine years in prison before President Bill Clinton commuted her sentence—a 24-year sentence for conspiracy charges in a high profile MDMA (Ecstasy) case dating back to 1989.  She now serves as an advocate for mostly federal clemency cases. She was involved in the three most recent commutations by President Trump. “What concerns me about Anand,” she said, is that “clemency is about mercy.  So many people receive clemency who are not innocent… The sentence he received is so disproportionate to a normal case with the same allegations.  He was convicted on very thin evidence.”   Even with Anand Jon Alexander’s relative advantages that the typical prisoner does not have, he has spent over 13 years in prison and barely survived a racial hate crime stabbing in 2019. He is suing the State of California for an undisclosed amount. Anand Jon Alexander was a rising star in the fashion industry in 2007 when he was arrested and ultimately convicted of one count of rape and many counts of lesser sexual offenses. Although there were no injuries on anyone and he had no history of violence, he was sentenced to 59 years to life in prison. I have never met Mr. Alexander in person, though I have spoken with him a number of times on the phone.  I became aware of his case through the American Justice Alliance, which, seeing the Vanguard’s work in the courts on behalf of the wrongly convicted and criminal justice reform, sought me out to look at his case. As I will explain shortly, through my reading of his petition for habeas corpus and my reading of trial transcripts overtly appealing to racism and the existence of egregious Brady violations, I am convinced that Mr. Alexander did not get a fair trial for certain, and is likely wrongly convicted. The group met for lunch prior to the meeting in San Diego On Friday March 6, a team of a dozen people assembled in San Diego at a hotel. The diverse group ranged in race, age and careers from college students to prominent attorneys, filmmakers, actresses and exonerees. The meeting got pushed back from noon to 1:30 so that Dr. Weber could attend the funeral of Rev. George Walker, the first African American elected to office in city history. Dr. Weber explained that she had cleared her calendar, except for this meeting, because she knew that so many of the group had assembled from out of town on this compelling matter involving an injustice. Dr. Weber, one of the leading African American women in California politics, is no stranger to racism and has been a pioneering reformist in bills that have led to curb abuse of power: police use of deadly force (AB 392), in preserving evidence, and the Restorative Justice Act, AB 2590. Setting aside other issues, she said that “59 years to life is madness for a first offense with someone… it so disproportionate to other cases. Many rape cases, they never served a day, they just got probation.” She added, “This really seems like this was racially charged with a lot of motive behind it.” Amy Povah added, “Dr. Weber was very moved by the presentation.  She kept talking long after our time was up. that’s always a good sign.” Clemency, she said, was about “correcting an injustice,” which

International Innovators Speakers
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Social Justice, Activism, Entertainment, Fashion and Politics

Social & Justice Activism, Entertainment, Fashion and Politics Converged in Malibu, CA for the International Innovators of Justice forum & Documentary Series While Los Angeles has its share of Hollywood celebrities on red carpets and Tesla Rockets overhead, the real stars who outshone it all were innovators like Jeffrey Deskovic, Amy Ralston Povah, Michelle Malkin, Patty Lopez, Bill Bastuk and more. November 09, 2018 By: Press Release 24-7  Just this past weekend, the who’s who of social & justice activism, entertainment, fashion and politics converged in Malibu, CA for the International Innovators of Justice Forum & documentary series to take on solving the epidemic of false allegations, police misconduct, and wrongful convictions like Jeffrey Deskovic, Bill Bastuk, and Anand Jon Alexander. While Los Angeles has its share of Hollywood celebrities on red carpets and Tesla Rockets overhead, the real stars who outshone it all were innovators like Jeffrey Deskovic, Amy Ralston Povah, Michelle Malkin, Patty Lopez, Bill Bastuk, and a slew of high-profile socialites, attorneys, forensic experts and investigators (Fn1) who joined forces to combat the plague of prosecutorial misconduct and false allegations with real world solutions for wrongful convictions as well as other criminal justice issues. The panel explored the vital role of factual objective investigation without compromising due process.  The presumption of innocence, or ignoring the harsh reality epidemic of false allegations. Michelle Malkin noted the need to not blindly believe anyone simply claiming to be a “victim” irrespective of gender, but to believe the facts, emphasizing the dangers of mob mentality and the responsibility of the media in fact finding.  Without this, innocent “lives can be destroyed” even prior to or without any trial. Her compelling film clips and speech pointed out how every single person present was now “connected” in unison. California political strategist Nelson Pichardo walked Dr. Sanjana Jon to the stage, who praised the incredible panel lead mostly by powerful women highlighting the pivotal role “truth” in delivering justice.Women empowerment was on full display dominating much of the panel and the subject matter which found a fair navigation between the climate of abuse versus the pattern of unreliable and false allegations. Jeffrey Deskovic recounted his own 16 year journey from being wrongfully convicted to eventually being exonerated by connecting the red flags of false allegations that have clearly been established in the wrongful conviction of Anand Jon Alexander (who recently won all outstanding out-of-state cases. Paying it forward, The Deskovic foundation has already gotten over half-a-dozen people home from prison. Alongside Mr. Deskovic was the founder of “It could happen to you”, Mr. Bill Bastuk, raising awareness and activism and is part of the International Innovators core panel. “In almost a decade of researching hundreds of wrongful conviction cases…The Anand Jon Alexander case wins the gold medal, as it stands out as one of the most pervasive examples of prosecutorial misconduct we have ever seen.”– Bill Bastuk Former CA Assemblywoman Patty Lopez, who authored Assembly Bill 1909, passed into law signed by Governor Jerry Brown in 2017, noted how the law enforcement misconduct in the Anand Jon case was “utterly shocking.” This fact was echoed by Texas counsel Rajish Jose, commutation Attorney Tim Milner, and by the other experts and fellow panelists. Jeffrey Deskovic took on this mission after researching such cases thoroughly, and he is scheduled to be on the core panel of the international innovators tour going nationwide and worldwide. Attorney Raj Jose presented hard evidence of Anand Jon’s factual innocence, how it had been knowingly withheld by the Beverly Hills Police for almost a decade, and the documented conspiracy to “trick and trap” him using private messages exchanged through a popular social media platform. Website Developer and Author C.J Gilbert spoke on how the rise of technology within the last decade has brought both positives and negatives with it. It’s now easier to prove and verify facts using new technologies and innovations. And yet, we must also guard ourselves against those who would create false profiles and social media accounts to make accusations and wrongful claims. This was further confirmed by experts and investigators like Eric Agaki, and court appointed investigator Steve DiLorenzo, who described how proper investigations are the bedrock of a fair trial without which wrongful convictions can happen to anyone. Attorney Rajish Jose added how there is not a single scratch on anyone and Mr. Alexander has no history of violence or drugs or gangs, and even passed a lie detector/polygraph test. He emphasized how after the Beverly Hills Police themselves caused extraordinary delays, and got caught withholding critical favorable evidence, their efforts to then try to “procedurally bar” Mr. Alexander’s relief efforts under supposed “untimeliness” only displayed the absurdity of how lawenforcement is trying to be “rewarded for their own misconduct.” Los Angeles based Attorney Tim Milner added details about the stunning juror misconduct and racist xenophobia that crippled any chance of a fair trial and urged Governor Brown to at least commutate the draconian 59 years to life sentence Mr. Alexander is suffering. Community leaders like the host Dr. Marwah and Mr Rajendra Vora spoke up, outraged by the crisis while attendees like Attorney Etan Lorant, Shashi Abraham, American Justice Alliance V. P. Maggi Khalon, along with the panelists, made a unified stand to campaign until no innocent man or woman was left behind. While minority males are the biggest sufferers of injustice, wrongful convictions can indeed happen to anyone of any race and gender as seen from Amy Ralston Povah, who described her own journey as a federal prisoner for almost a decade based on crimes erroneously attributed to her. After creating an Innovative Sisterhood of Activism and upon being pardoned by President Clinton, she went on to create a foundation that specialized in clemency. A local Malibu native,Ms Povah’s warning against unscrupulous prosecutors who abuse their power and position only further validated the need for this movement. Fresh off the victory in getting New York Governor Cuomo to sign the country’s first ever

Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi by Anand Jon featured at University of Southern California
Press Release


California Welcomes “REFORM-A-NATION” Campaign to Reverse Wrongful Convictions and UCLA Law School’s Call to End Mass Incarceration Critically Acclaimed Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi by Anand Jon Alexander featured at University of Southern California “connecting art and law for liberation”, featuring actor Danny Glover, Senator Holly Mitchell, and ReStore Justice. LOS ANGELES, CA, April 23, 2019 By Press Release 24-7 The California State Capitol building in Sacramento was the epicenter for the “REFORM-A-NATION” panel where preliminary meetings with the legislative teams from Governor Gavin Newsom, Senator Nancy Skinner, Senator Holly Mitchell, Assemblyman Ash Kalra, Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, and Assistant Majority Whip Assemblyman. Rob Banta discussed the epidemic of wrongful convictions and its potential solutions. The high profile panel that made the official visits included Los Angeles Attorney Timothy Milner (InternationalInnovators.org), prominent Beverly Hills businessman and activist, Rajendra and Sonal Vora (Vice President Jain Social Group International Federation), David Greenwald (founder of DavisVanguard.org) I know the personal destruction that occurs when an innocent person is sent to prison. I have lived it and still live in its aftermath. – Exonerated Nation founder Obie Anthony upon endorsing AB1909 Assemblyman Sawyer’s recent audit of the CDCR* has led to some positive side effects, including efforts to improve the quality and availability of effective programs, some of which involve the prisoners themselves coming up with their own ideas, such as the Awakenings initiative proposed at RJ Donovan. The assemblyman stated “This is just the start of a long process.”(* https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-prison-rehabilitation-programs-audit-20190131-story.html) Senator Skinner, a superstar in the area of criminal justice reform, notably authored SB1473 felony murder legislation in 2018 that former California Governor Brown signed into law to make police misconduct and use of force records open to the public*.(* https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/02/13/when-cops-misbehave-who-has-the-right-to-know & https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/news/20190402-court-upholds-broad-release-police-misconduct-records-california https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article229026869.html) “The criminal justice system is in need of reform. We support Senator Skinner’s efforts to improve the system.” – Tim Milner Besides the destruction of innocent people’s lives, the cost to society has been enormous, especially when law enforcement acts in bad faith and ends up costing millions to tax payers as seen from the Susan Mellen, Jamal Trulove, and Obie Anthony exonerations*.(* https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-marcella-winn-susan-mellen032819-story.html) “I know the personal destruction that occurs when an innocent person is sent to prison. I have lived it and still live in its aftermath.” – Exonerated Nation founder Obie Anthony upon endorsing AB1909*.(* https://amp.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/soapbox/article104728216.html) Assemblywoman Patty Lopez, who authored AB1909 described the prosecutorial misconduct in the Anand Jon Alexander case as “utterly shocking.” In the process of successfully resolving all Anand Jon’s overlapping out-of-state (New York and Texas) between 2013 and 2018, it was uncovered that the Beverly Hills Police Department had withheld voluminous favorable evidence and the prosecutors used false evidence to wrongfully convict him in the initial Los Angeles trial (2008). A few months ago, hosted by the iconic Dr. Amarjit Marwah at his historic Malibu estate, Amy Ralston Povah (founder candoclemency.org who was instrumental to involving Kim Kardashian and the president’s first act for prison reform), later joined by Obie Anthony (exoneree and founder of exoneratednation.org) and many more, launched the International Innovators of Justice campaign that took up reversing wrongful convictions like the Anand Jon Alexander case, as well as laid the groundwork for the prosecutorial misconduct commission*.(*https://www.indiawest.com/news/global_indian/international-innovators-panel-takes-on-case-of-anand-jon-others/article_2e119f96-e2c2-11e8-be52-2f958b25e732.html & https://www.change.org/p/jerry-brown-free-anand-jon-alexander/u/23529329 ) While currently pending at the Federal District Courts for relief based on newly discovered and previously withheld evidence of factual innocence, as well as due process violations that include despicable prosecutorial misconduct invoking racial bias and use of false evidence, the panel is urging Governor Newsom to commute Anand Jon Alexander’s draconian 59 years to life sentence. Mr. Alexander has no history of drugs or violence, not a scratch on anyone, and he passed a lie detector test to prove his innocence. Global influencers like Dr. Amarjit Marwah, Sant Chatwal, and Moishe Mana expressed have all declared their support for the REFORM-A-NATION campaign. An award winning fashion designer who was picked as “Who’s Next in 2007?” by Newsweek, Anand Jon Alexander’s portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, donated by projectpaint.org, was featured at the UCLA festival “Call to End Mass Incarceration” (www.calltoactionucla.com), connecting art and law thanks to UCLA Law School Dean, Jennifer L. Mnookin; UCLA Dean of Art School, Professor Alicia Virani; Professor Sharon Dolovich, supporting organizers/law students Ms. Delaram Kamalpour, and Bryonn Bain. Equal Justice America representative Laura Jones personally hosted the art exhibit. Fresh off their meetings in Sacramento, some of the REFORM-A-NATION panelists met with Senator Holly Mitchell, actor Danny Glover, and Re:Store Justice at the UCLA festival to “end mass incarceration.” Senator Mitchell was part of the group of California Senators who had gone to India and has already been working alongside others like Senator Skinner towards ensuring accountability by law enforcement*.(* https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-me-california-police-discipline-secret-20180815-story.html) Coming full circle to pay it forward as the first beneficiary of Senator Skinner’s SB1437 law, the recently released from prison, Adnan Khan (founder and Co-Executive Director of Re:Store Justice) was present at the UCLA event and stated “I love this artwork besides the painting the quote is very powerful.” See the coverage of the event on India Life and Times here:http://www.indialife.us/article.php?id=114460 The Art From the Inside booklet featured Mr Alexander’s quote: “Growing up in India, I was a bit awkward about acknowledging Gandhi as a “role model” because he did not represent the cool alpha male six-packed, buffed “Heroes” (Rambo, Terminator, Rocky) that was popular culture. However, when I was wrongfully convicted and struggled to get back on my feet and slowly made progress towards freedom – it was Mahatma Gandhi’s “AHISMA” (passive resistance), Satya Graha (soul force) and strategic patient dismantling of the Greatest/Colonial Empire in the world that inspired me. I enforce that indomitable will … what is not just fighting and dying for but worth living for. [As Gandhi said] ‘Even as a minority of one, the Truth is still the Truth’.”

Ash Kalra, David Greenwald, Sanjanaa Jon Rebecca Abraham, Elyana Violet and cast in Sacramento

Racial Justice Activist Awards previews

@VanguardJustice film and tv projects: Meleninum Dark Ghost Stories & The Change Makers mini-series Criminal justice reform/#BLM/racial justice award winners Assemblymember Ash Kalra, San Francisco Public Defender Mano Raju, & National Action Network speaker Dr. Tecoy Porter The Racial Justice Act is landmark legislation and making it retroactive was critical…a promise to not leave behind those with past convictions tainted by systemic racism bias, both explicit and implicit,” stated Elected Official Award winner Assemblymember (ASM) Ash Kalra, author of the groundbreaking Racial Justice Act (“RJA”), at the Vanguard Justice Awards Gala Sacramento Oct. 13, 2022, https://www.davisvanguard.org/2022/10/vanguard-justice-awards/). The gala began with a showing of the exclusive trailer for Meleninum Dark Ghost Stories (https://youtube.com/channel/UCMxEACU4H–sPse4HNEyUhw), which debuted to the capacity crowd. The film, inspired by true stories of the struggle against the everyday injustices, highlights mostly colored people who are targeted, profiled, and even sentenced to death by racial bias on the streets, as well as inside courtrooms. SACRAMENTO, CA, November 01, 2022 /24-7 By Press Release The debut film of USC film intensive student Sanjana Jon Rebecca Abraham (@SanjanaJon), is a gripping adaptation of the critically acclaimed short play by AJ Alexander (Playwrights Project Home https://www.playwrightsproject.org/ – Echo yard, R.J. Donovan). This highly stylized film captures the glorification and consequences of xenophobia fueled American eugenics, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and nazi – white supremacy ideologies that are currently feeding anti-immigrant sentiments, mass shootings, and a slavery infused prison-based industry complex. Anya Kalia, Zoe Meehan, Sanjanaa Jon, Rebecca Abraham, Addison Ferguson and Elyana Violet at the Vanguard Justice Awards Gala in Sacramento “This movie is going to be a must watch, must see movie for everyone not only in America but worldwide that believes in justice. It’s going to tell the hard truth about what’s going on in our prison system and provide hope. It’s a must see, you will not regret it.” said Dr. Tecoy Porter to The Davis Vanguard’s founder, David Greenwald, at the event. “What I love about the film is that it draws connections between individuals and international freedom movements,” said Vanguard Award winner Mano Raju (San Francisco Public Defender, currently campaigning for reelection). The numerous award winners included James King (Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, recipient of the Formerly Incarcerated Leadership Award and Lifetime Achievment Award winners, Ellen Eggers (Retired Public Defender) and LaDoris Cordell (Retired State Judge). Other justice reformers, like California Attorney General Rob Bonta (also running for reelection), recently set up a new task force to tackle escalating racism and hate crimes against immigrants, especially foreigners of Asian and south Asian descent. Anand Jon Alexander and Sanjanaa Jon Rebecca Abraham in RACIAL JUSTICE ACTivist @ecovvear at RJD 10.08.22 In strategic partnerships with organizations, including the International Justice Alliance ( https://www.internationaljusticealliance.org ) (“IJA”, 501C3 Charity), @stylensprituality, Healing Lives, Reform-A-Nation, LKY Designs, and others, the Davis Vanguard ( https://www.davisvanguard.org/ ) nonprofit news organization, known for its integrity in independent journalism, is expanding globally with @VanguardJustice business ventures developing film and tv projects, a mobile app, a Racial Justice Activist training program, and an exclusive clothing line with fashion innovator @EcoVvear. @VanguardJustice is becoming the leading force for good, fact finding, endorsing fair political leaders and lawmakers with a range of attendees, supporters and sponsors, including activists like Dr. Bart Fisher (two time Nobel Peace Prize nominee), Dr. Bobby Kalotee (Chairman Friends for Good Health), Moishe Mana (philanthropist and humanitarian), Julie Madhusuthan (former Hulu executive), Emily Galvin Almanza (Partners for Justice), exoneree activists Marvin Mutch and Susan Mellen, Vinod Balakrishna, Sant Chatwall, Kim Carr (former mayor Huntington Beach, CA), Ali Sajjad Taj (former mayor City of Artesia) and Rajendra Vora (Beverly Hills Jain Social Group). The other anticipated feature, The Change Makers mini series, highlights the people, protests, and legal battles behind the movements like #BLM and the RJA (to become retroactive law in January 2023). It also highlights India Awakes, a book by Dr. Bart Fisher, about the global impact of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We also get an exclusive insider look at the rise of L.A. District Attorney George Gascón who has made headlines for his controversial policies described as radical and yet conversely accused of selectively holding back when it comes to actually rectifying some wrongful convictions that are controversial. Fresh off his victory over an unprecedented second recall attempt Gascón faces supporters as well as challengers. USC PEP students union and community members met with Gascon to discuss the reality behind his policies to reduce racism and wrongful convictions without compromising public safety. While Gascón has openly accused the previous L.A. District Attorney’s administration of being racist in the vindictive prosecution of black men, the trial record of Anand Jon Alexander preserves the worst case of racial prejudice and injustice in a jury trial. Despite explicit court orders to the contrary, the L.A. prosecutors used racial, ethnic, and religious stereotypes (Indian, Hindu, Jewish background) to repeatedly demonize Mr. Alexander as a “smelly…pig,” anti-american, foreigner, who “sat cross legged on the floor,” reading “different languages…symbols” (i.e., Hebrew) right to left as part of nefarious “religious ritual” to brainwash and drug Caucasian women. Furthermore, post trial investigations confirm there was substantial favorable evidence withheld by the Beverly Hills Police Department that Mr. Alexander was the victim of a vast conspiracy of jaded women who colluded with the police to destroy Mr. Alexander’s career. The combined approach of the prosecutor to use rhetorical tactics primed the jury and triggered implicit bias that contributed to the tainted and grossly erroneous guilty verdicts in clear violation of the RJA. Based on the overwhelming requirement under the RJA, there is no clear path for the prosecution to overcome the legal standard burden to stop the inevitable overturning of Mr. Alexander’s verdict. As the founder of the charity Mujer Alfa, former Assemblymember Patty Lopez (author of AB1909) noted, “the law enforcement misconduct behind the wrongful conviction of minorities especially in the case of Anan Jon as disturbing.” The same was echoed by Exonerated Nation founder Obie Anthony who added “Anand Jon being locked up

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